Webnus has gotten one of the BBB Accredited Businesses From July 2020 with an A+ rating.
BBB has discovered that Webnus Inc. fulfills BBB accreditation guidelines, which incorporate a guarantee to put forth a decent confidence attempt to determine any purchaser protests.
BBB Accredited Businesses pay an expense for accreditation audit/checking and for help of BBB administrations to general society.
Webnus attests that it meets and will comply with BBB principles. BBB accreditation doesn’t imply that the business’ items or administrations have been assessed or embraced by BBB, or that BBB has made an assurance regarding the business’ item quality or competency in performing administrations.
What Is the Better Business Bureau?
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is among the premiere overseer of business practices, business ethics and customer satisfaction in the United States.
To be accredited by the BBB companies must meet all eight of their Standards for Trust. Secure Forensics has met and exceeded the eight standards and it is why we hold an A+ grade from the organization.
What Is BBB’s Rating System?
BBB ratings represent the BBB’s opinion of how the business is likely to interact with its customers.
The BBB rating is based on information BBB is able to obtain about the business, and is significantly influenced by complaints received from the public. BBB seeks and uses information directly from businesses and from public data sources. Find more information about our rating system here.
BBB maintains Business Profiles on more than 5.4 million companies, including a letter grade rating that presents BBB’s opinion of the business’s responsiveness to customers based on complaines filed with BBB file information about the business.
The BBB Rating System uses points based on marketplace behavior, including how the business responds to consumer complaints, transparency, truthful advertising, and more. In some cases, a business’s grade may be lowered if the BBB does not have sufficient information about the business despite requests for the information.
The rating system automatically updates the letter grade when new information is added to the file, such as current size of business or new complaints.